Reach Your Potential
Making the transition to the next level of leadership will require you to identify and embrace new values, new skills, and new behaviors. We are here to help you take that step.
Making the transition to the next level of leadership will require you to identify and embrace new values, new skills, and new behaviors. We are here to help you take that step.
Finding and cultivating successful leaders is the required goal of every organization. Leaders who are experts in their discipline are not always natural people managers, nor have those skills been rewarded. That's where we come in. Partnering together, we will build your foundation of future leaders—for their benefit and yours.
“Jonathan engages deeply into his coaching, challenging assumptions and providing smart views into difficult situations. He is prepared, on topic, and insightful with his commentary. He pushes when needed but knows when to step back and try something new. The plans and exercises that we co-created were excellent for stimulating my career development. I highly recommend an engagement with Jonathan for any person seeking to develop new skills and approaches for career growth”
About Jonathan
Learn more by reading my most recent blog posts
New managers often fall into one of these traps:
1) Immersing themselves in the nitty-gritty details
2) Focusing too much on the big picture and future plans
When you work from home there's no hallway interruptions, no commute, and no travel. All of those typical uses of time are gone. So, why are employees working 3 hours more each day?
Managers should know about the big life decisions that employees are contemplating so they can support both work and life of their employees.
If an idea, a project, a goal or commitment won’t go away and begins to consume our mind, this should be a signal that this is the right thing to do, and now.
Today, tomorrow, or six months from now, you can make successful resolutions any time of the year!
We are trapped between the organizational mission statement on collaboration and the real culture of an organization that rewards individual behavior.
How do you avoid annoying your email recipients? Especially when 8 of the phrases are used when you’re “just following up…”.
You’re biased. I’m biased. Now what?
A 3-step process to help you and your employees create lasting behavioral change.