Start acting like a leader today-part 1

This is the first in a series of posts on building your leadership credentials even before you have the formal title.  

Some argue that an ambition to be a leader is a negative quality trait for good leaders.  I would argue that it depends upon the source of the motivation for that ambition.  If the source of motivation is to be in charge of others, then that’s not good.  If the source of ambition is to be in charge of something that benefits others, then that’s the right kind of motivation.  

Being a leader (defined as providing vision, strategy and motivation) is hard work.  There has to be some motivation, some personal desire, some reason to step into that role.  If this motivation comes from the desire to see a project completed, to have an impact on the organization, to improve a process, this is the right kind of motivation.  If the desire is to be able to tell others what to do, then this is a negative quality trait that will eventually lead to a leaders demise. 

Jonathan Shaver